The tsar bomba was actually a hydrogen bomb, but this is a very good creation.
@peterCZ This has been reuploaded and changed since then. They forgot to change the sign I guess.
this nneds only one spark -__-
@Lukascoll No, that was Fat man, it wasn't a thermonuclear bomb, just a nuclear bomb. It's yield was 21 Kilotons of TNT.
Tsar-bomba is thermonuclear-airburst bomb that ended WW2
Probably inaccurate, but what ever.
This would last 0-3 seconds and would be somewhat painless. Within this range, there would also be a wind from the shockwave that would exceed more than 700MPH, and would likely destroy everything within 15-30 miles from ground zero and break windows +1,000 miles away. But, I'm an expert on stuff that can kill you for some reason.
From with in 66 miles of the airburst detonation of 11,204 feet from the ground, you would get 3rd degree burns. Within the first 30 miles of this zone, the burns would go within multiple layers of skin, destroying the nerves instantly.