Technically also FOGBANK, but most information about that is classified
We also still cannot create a true Thermonuclear device since we lack Polystryrene, Lithium-6 Deuteride, Tritium, Lead, X-Rays, Beryllium, Lithium, Uranium and Plutonium Hydrides, and Gamma Rays
Timesan: they use deuterium tritium, it is a design principle of thermonuclear devices
This save is alright, but unrealistic. In 2010 I get they had a tiny ammount of elements but they should have not made the AN602 "Tsar bomba" thermonuclear bomb if they couldn't. Also SamDwich: you can fuse any isotope of hydrogen.
and i assume they did not have the means to use hydrogen or deuterium speaking that this save is from 2010
bitbybit: the hydrogen-1 fuses into helium-4, there was little waste from the hydrogen and it was not radioactive, the radioactive waste comes from the self-contained nuclear bomb used to start the fusion reaction
dude tsar uses hygn non plut or polluto the atnosphere!
Chanman176 is the ultimate troll, lol, even his bio says that
caesar299: who replaced you brain with a nail