17th Sep 2011
17th Sep 2011
please comment it took a while to make
AHH AHHHH AHHHH "brings out machine gun" AHHHHHH "fires the machine gun at the oh noes" ... "stops firing" you cant hurt anybody anymore...
A problem has occured and "Oh noes!" Must close.
Oh noes i downloaded a virus,Now my screen is turning purple and i can't press reinstall,Oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh noes!!!!!!!,I dropped my nachos!!,Wait whats popping up on my screen?!,Let me watch my netflix!!!,Oh noes!!!
Windows XP. Very hard to crash.
shu have been IE
i have an windows xp but ive never had this happen
"Oh Noes" is now part of my daily vocabulary. Oh Noes!!!
are you actually using windows 98? unbelieveable
very good very very