The Pixel Club. The biggest and best club on TPT! Truly Epic since 2011. IRC at #pixel-social! If you have joined the club on TPT, please join our group on the website. Thanks. Pixel club leaders.
can i have a logo even though i didnt make one? (im no good at making logos)
What happened to vou?
lol i didn't know i will change it now
You might want to check the list twice because some have been banned pernamently for awhile. Ex. 55
picle frog i shall add you on mine this one is still in progress
can i join?
i mean if was lug was not banned he woulg say this is realy epic
i was lug was not banned he woulg say this is realy epic
thanks roadripper
cctvdude99 im in charge till he is back he doesnt have to wait at all