Please respect our troops! Thanks to Captain america for the troop staitoned in afganistan! Thanks to Leopard 32 for the Australian motar team!
thanks! and ive made it :/ just as you left... :)
Oh i need to go, i will look it tommorrow :D Thank you :]
I like all of them :d nice job
haha cool ish... no offence to anyone involved there. do you like the german so far? i also make soldiers from any time in history and future from halo!
Ok :D I can wait because i'm also watching tv. The Rebuild of ground zero program XD Interesting?
NLer ive made a german troop and im working on a netherland one right now! (or when ive finished typing this) :D
i can look and give it ago! :) thanks!
+1 Btw Nice Job
do you make the soldiers? If you do: Can you make a Dutch Soldier :D Afghanistan camo?
Please can someone ask for their type of soldier! im bored :(