i made a camp on a small island and il evolve it to anything yu suggest on comments i asked airsofter he created this island
and airsofter thanks but yu wer the one who made the island i just edited it so credit goes to yu
trees cut down and wooden log heep added
im thinking of removing the laser becas i made this to be destroyable and whats destroyable about void and diamond
Hey man its looking great. keep up the good work and i hope u can make it even better in the future btw check out some of my other works. i think u would like them
im not so good wiht explosives only way to make it go boom is use my special mini sized atomic bomb
can try making the volcano exploade!!!!!!
if i dont work on this much it means im working on a cryo chamber a ice chmaberthat keeps stickmen safe and not ded
i added a laser in the island cant help making a super laser
i found a gruop of survivors on the other side of the island i may make a battle from it and i added a french flag