27th Aug 2011
11th Feb 2012
This is just a Standerd weapon nothing to special Just a laser and thats it. This is for ALPHA X ONLY no copying or publishing please. No this is not a Vector so please DONT comment it is one... or KRISS
Error, hes right i dont care if you get pissed off but that is one hell of an uzi, there is no such thing as an uzi that looks like that, its a Kriss Super V, AKA the vector XD
It is still not an UZI! you cant just rename objects that already exist.the Uzi's (or pro it doesn't matter) magazine is fed through the handle.the Kriss has its own very modern way of putting a new round in the camber,the super v system.YOU can see the magazine AND the Super V system.making this a Kriss.
the green butons yellow but otherwise exelent
hey it looks like it has a aug scope lol i dont know if u tried to do tha but the resemblence is remarkable
And also Headshoothoncho ITS MARINE COLORS U DUMB NUT!!! NOTICE THE SAVE SAYS MARINES GUN ... -_- wow that shows how people do NOT notice the most simplest shit...
Looks like this gun was a succes :)
Um SovietArms LOOK AT WHAT I SAY I SAID UZI "PRO" DID U EVER SEE THE PRO? and lynxrufus dude seriously i said in the description its not a vector... and u say it is and thats why i said that.... stupid stuff like that that people do pisses me off...
looks like a KRIS
- pretty dang sure im not colorblind but that button looks yellow not green
BTW, your gun logo is done, The AR-7.