The reason this happened was an integer overflow, Tom Scott made a video about underflow but it explains why its at 31 :1969, This was a bug caused by the binary from going 10, 01, 11, then 00, thats the simple explanation. it would actually have more bits but it would take too long to explain. an integer underflow however like tom scott explained is when it goes from 11, 01, 10, 00.
thhhe 1970 glitch is probally not a glitch at all, admins prob put the date like that and it is how it is, and 1970 is bc computers use this date as the begining of time, computers count seconds from that date and it is how they messure time
My camera has a similar propblem where it says all pictures were taken on 1/1/1980
whats up with the date glitch where its says 1970
So this is the first MEANINGFUL save.
for an old save not too bad
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