This simple forge takes Molten ore and places it in a negative mold. * Use CTRL+R to rotate a stamp or copied item. If the save begins to run slowly, delete the ores at the bottom that you are not using to speed it up.
you can use qwrts btw. it just busts it. u have to erase the wall after the prep stage. its a pretty sturdy sword. just dont make it too cold.
you make a sign using the Sign tool, then just draw over the letters. And yeah i started that a while ago.
how did you make a kevgood production sign? lots of people have them, where did u get them?
All it is is a little cooling plant and a block of diamond... BUT ITS SO ADDICTING!!!!! voted up :D
ok good! that would be amazing! i was thinking the way to do it would to make the forger larger and the moldes bigger. also, maybe you could have some preset expls.
It say what they will turn into, the first will soldify to metal and iron while the rest will turn to metal, iron, and brick.
what's the difference between the different lavas?
yea, good idea, i will work on a full body of armor, may take some time though.
Good sh*t Kevgood :D I love it.
may i sugest a heelmet, and maybe a whole suit of armor over time?