122 / 4
28th Jul 2011
29th Jul 2011
My F-15! one of my 3 fav planes (Ill make em all soon) and one of best fighters in the world. Hope u like it. Unpause!!!
nukeemall spng fighter airstrike afterburner gbmb move sponge


  • stephen68
    23rd Sep 2011
  • NukeEmAll
    23rd Sep 2011
    oh and if 1c-230 wont be perfect, it wont be realsed, and please dont be angry about that. ill try, but im not promising anything.
  • NukeEmAll
    23rd Sep 2011
    :D ok dude. ill try to do something. but actually im a perferctionist. i made a10 already, but in my opinion its not perfect, so i dont relase it. Ac-130 is a good idea, and i think ill try to make one.
  • stephen68
    22nd Sep 2011
    i just love your planes soooooo much
  • stephen68
    21st Sep 2011
    ok if u dont wanna do an a10 or an ac130 u dont have to i just want another plane made
  • stephen68
    21st Sep 2011
    oo ooooo ooooo oo how a bout an a10
  • stephen68
    21st Sep 2011
    you can do a lets see an AC130 i guess what ever you what to make but i love your planes
  • stephen68
    21st Sep 2011
    when are you gunna make a new plane
  • NukeEmAll
    17th Sep 2011
    Well, in my opinion F-22 sux hard. I wont make it so dont ask for it. I hate it. I prefer planes like Su-37, wich would PWN raptor in a dogfight. One single shot, makes it go down. Electronic c**p.
  • stephen68
    15th Sep 2011
    wen r u gunna make a new plane if u are do a f22 raptor or somethin good