27th Jul 2011
18th Oct 2013
I can put mini guns (not the massive ones that spin around) on this for your homepages if you like. Comment if you want one of your guns minimising! As I am not often on PT anymore, all of my guns can be used with credit! Please put the ID up though!
-_- fine >_>...
yeah tmorrow afternoon to be precise
Dude its september when are u startin?
no, dont worry, ive made the mech, thanks
course you can!i only do art but ad a simple mech to make it look better so which one you taking?
can i use one and add a mech, ill fully give credit
yeah ive seen the current stuff youve got on there and its looking pretty good
ok im gonna make a co-op homepage with someone soon ok and im making black ops weapons and im just getting started
it was my dad that told me it was called the contender and il find out why asap and tell you
shroom there is the thompson sub machine gun which uses the box mag like the one under the R700 and the contender is the one with drum mag and grip most commonly associated with the mafia