Just so you know this idea has been put on hold for a long time or forever. it would be very hard to make this due to the incresed amount of activity on tpt thus slowing it WAY down.
aww thats too bad tis would be a neat idea...
awsome!...u could tell ppl that logo and stuff was ready!and projects were ready to copy!!!! really useful but yeah i forgot bout' ads...and battery power... and to load AAAAALLLLLLLL OF YOUR MESSAGES...
We had this suggestion before. Check the forums first. This would cause a huge load on the server for people chatting. Unless people want to see more ads, it's more than likely not going to happen.
also a bunch of people would spam the public chat box (if that would be included)
this is REALLY AWESOME. but this would take forever to code and when finished it would suck up a lot of bandwith (if u use wi-fi) and would use A LOT of batery power.
I would vote up more than once if i could... FINALY A GOOD IDEA
wowwwww... o_o
I love this idea. You can see when other users are online, and that way you can work together better as you get messasges when you are online! I LUUUVE IT!
conversations are that dude, thats the same as convos