I MAKE LOGOS if you want something specific tell me if you dont tell me i'l do something random for it. If it;s not good sorry, I will try my best. 1 LOGO = I UP VOTE
o... too bad.
i cant saVE IT AGAIN
can you make faster?
wtf cant save it cant connect to server?
twist im sory i was gonna ask you but i forgot really sorry i cant make guns so i can i use this and sorry guys 4 da delay i got grounded and im sneaking my logo buisness
i just wait and wait and go to sleep.
craZchick you just say that when youre not the only one that is being delayed, whenever there is a delay (often)!
Yeah, you'll try your best to steal logos from other people.
do my logo
Get rid of it right now. That is clearly mine.