11th Jul 2011
26th Aug 2011
THe second version of my Deuterium Generator. it makes deuterium only from glow and water, and it also extremly cool down DEUT. I put clne nwear the cooling room to increase the deuterium but it WORKS ALSO WITHOUT CLNE, IT ISN'T A FAKE
Thanks for this dude. I needed some really compressed deut to put in my bomb. VOTE UP!
the italian flag in the middle is my favorite part, wouldn't have voted at all if it wasn't for that :P
the glow mixes with the water and ads an extra neutron to the water's hydrogen atoms
How do water and glow make deuterium?
good job
but its still cool so i like it
first 5 sec it makes enough deut to start the clne and then just drops some glow that is eatin by the void and then all the rest is the clne making it, it real for the first 5 sec and then fake
its awesom
Tends to clog with glow. I don't remember the first version having that problem. keep at it. Perhaps focus on increasing deut output so you can get rid of the clone.