Using high level assembly language, this "super" computer can execute "complex" procedures like finding primes and playing games! Don't forget to switch it on. Oh, and DON'T blow it up.
Why would anybody vote down?
Wow, amazing!
@Videogamer555 The default program is the more or less game player. The prime number finding program was written and is posted in the forum topic, but have not been transferred into a programming palette yet.
Is prime number finding the default program?
best electrical engineering ive ever seen :D
Normally you wouldn't specifically advertise a computer as not having Wi-Fi.
that is CRAZY!!! LOVE IT!!!
oh, sorry for that silly Q, now got that CPU still won't work faster, because everything works on ARAY... sorry.
Mark, i havent explored all the parts yet, but i saw that all sparks come from ARAY near ON/OFF sign. Maybe it could be replaced with something, sending sparks faster? That'll be huge speed boost...
@Dalzala The very fact that I used computer programming shows that it is NOT fake. In fact, I clearly labelled the programming palette, other programs and even listed out programming instructions in a forum topic. The title is "Computer", not "AI". The main function of this is not to play the more or less game, it is to execute programs.