977 / 74
11th Jul 2011
1st Oct 2016
Using high level assembly language, this "super" computer can execute "complex" procedures like finding primes and playing games! Don't forget to switch it on. Oh, and DON'T blow it up.
computer electronic processor electronics geeky howdoesitwork tpthlalsc playcrysis itdoesntwork butdoesit


  • Fromanotherplanet
    12th Nov 2012
    Who else just blew it up without trying to make it work?
  • cannon9009
    9th Nov 2012
    So what happens if you blow it up?
  • TheBombMaker94
    12th Oct 2012
    Is it aable to play minecraft? :D
  • tylerthecreator
    7th Oct 2012
    no life much
  • sentinal-5
    6th Oct 2012
    DON'T DIE!!!!!
  • sentinal-5
    6th Oct 2012
    @mark2222 PLEASE make a new one, with all the new technology that has been invented in tpt, PLEASE! if just so you can go out with a bang. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sentinal-5
    25th Sep 2012
    there isn't one, mind you there isn't a plug socket either, but who really cares?
  • durianpeople
    16th Sep 2012
    where is the output?
  • G0D
    8th Sep 2012
    congratulations sherlock!
  • mark2222
    2nd Sep 2012
    Glad you all liked it. I haven't touched TPT for a year. I'm more into programming now; making real things is more exciting than virtual things, admittedly. I would just like to say a few things before going for good:From the comments there seems to be a bug that could be fixed by adding a delay to the timer; I would love to fix it but I can't test it as my old computer overheats and crashes when I run this for a short period of time.If anyone wishes to copy components, please do; if you want to copy the entire computer and add wifi/fix the bug/do something cool, please do too but do credit so you won't be seen as simply copying.Before stopping last year, in an attempt to make an 8-bit computer I made and linked up a few 8-bit electronic components adapted from some of arK's components (which seem to have already been removed, sadly). You can find them by searching "saveid:937398".They are barely one third of the components required for a full computer, but they take up very little space and I'm confident that an 8-bit computer is createable. Unlike this one, they use WIFI, so I'm confident that an 8-bit computer based on such components would run much faster in addition to being much more powerful.In fact, I'm pretty surprised that after 1 year no one has made an 8-bit computer yet. (update: realised there's an 8-bit processor (just search "processor") but... well let's just say it can be improved.)If you're interested in making powder toy computers (virtual machine-ception!) and would like to copy my 8-bit components, please do so.And if anyone is embarking on his own giant project and wants a few words of advice: start small but think big.So bye all. Perhaps I'll come back someday, when I have more time, maybe as a modder :D