This new gun made by NuclearWarfare (I) , Lucky, and Surfcash is our brand new Colt Revolver. I'd like to thank not only me, but both of them. (We all worked on the outline, Lucky made gun mechanism, and I colored.
when? what? i woulnt get mad? what would i get mad for?
Last time I asked for a break you got mad at me because you thought I wasn't doing a new one.
i even say " tell me if u need help " or ask and u never do if need a brake... u know te mechanis is hard to but u dont see me complaning do u?
uh no its even because we both make the out line and u dont even ask me to help or even try so thats on u, you made that mistake so dont be blaming this sht on me...
So I can do the time consuming part and you put a mech in.. Its not fair for me, I do most of the work.
for what? what did a kaparis do to u? and its not wat u want we agreed to make a even number! so..
I don't want to make a kiparis.
dude why are u being so shitty?
Take your mechanics away then. I'll learn it myself.
in plus we each chose which gun we wanted to do unless it wasnt hard and kapris isnt hard