NEVER ASK!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!
think you can work some magic with my name? p.s i love pudding
no more requests until i finish what i have 2 do plz.
FORGET THE SMILEY!! Do a nyan cat and my name as the rainbow if u can. And if cant, do my name in some way and make a logo u want to. Check youtube for nyan cat.
i was at my freind 22's house, i ment to say that comment from my account, (the one below)
ohhhh can the pixel art be a littile cat and a dog both on 2 paws and can they hace guns in there paws, sorry if im asking for to much
Could you make an awesome smiley and a my name in somehow cool way? Like sumthing my name on top of the smiley?
i dont care what i get.... just make something good...
ok!! just say what pixel art image u would like on it (i only do pixel art logos on this page)
hi road ripper can i have a logo for my club pixel club, just to let you know your brilliant at pixel art sorry about the closing of msc but my freind made pixel club and you have joined it, my freined 22 (the person who runs the club) says you brilliant
ok!! i will make this for u!!!