Beer is just asbad as smoking Never drink it EVER this upload is not in tended to insult anyone
dude, dont drink beer, dont smoke, whats your problem? if you dont like it, why dont you just go right ahead and kill yourself? sounds good?
but look at that bug huge flask i dont think he wants to drink a moderate amount
Yes it can be dangerous if you drink a lot but its not that bad... you could then go on to say the bathing is bad because you could slip and break you neck.
hes VERY messy about drinking(he spills it down his chin and on his chest
beer is only as bad as smoking if you drink in ecses
thats not the point of the up load the point of the upload is to spread the word that drinking is dangerous if you like this save check out my other uploads i have similar ones
i know it is flamable but the way u created this, the "beer" burns in the air and up into the bottle...that wouldnt happen...but i vote anyway
alcahol is flamible isnt it like a moltov cocktail
mhm mabe a drunk guy :D