The U.S. Tactical Laser is meant for strategic raids, not for complete destruction. Credit goes to Surfcash for the artwork and the frame of the gun. Thanks Everyone!
@Jedimaster whats the big deal i did it watcha gonna do about it??
Do NOT press control b!!!!
This is by far the best thing i've seen on the powder toy, keep up the work:D
NukeEmAll, thanks for the feedback, and what did you mean by "Blocky"? I just want to know so I can see if i can fix it.
Its good, but little bit to blocky i think. anyway good work.
nice vote up from me
thank you Oskar271
This is brillinat love it
@sasands that is not nice and is against a group of people, and this game is for everybody so, for you, i say this, GTFO
well just to be safe, i removed the sign. i just wanted to know how to improve it if it was bad, thats all. an the U.S. is not a lie. its a great country with problems just like every other country.