yes, i will, there new, better and, well new? lol thats about it, so please ask with a decription on what you want for a logo, don't just write your user name, cuz i satisfy. thanks, and credit is required at least on one save, thanks :P
Could you please make a skull with gold teeth
can you please make me a logo with bray ill explain when you fire brown bray and pause at its lightest point erase some and volia something written in bray make sure the thing writen in bray is malatrix
can you make me a logo of a stickman whit assassin hood and my username whit shadow effect please??????
Can you make me a logo? Any will do... +1
about the size of the creator's logo, and long as vou's
can i have a dj-ing logo with my little pony, a british flag, cthulhu (google it), and ramen please, medium sized...make it look as bada$$ as possible
that was *my name
can I have a logo that reprisents me name please? like a canadian soldier helmet?
Can you make me a pikachu with rainbow photons flying around it?
I love your art +1 Can you make me a random logo??