yes, i will, there new, better and, well new? lol thats about it, so please ask with a decription on what you want for a logo, don't just write your user name, cuz i satisfy. thanks, and credit is required at least on one save, thanks :P
For Vou one(i want something crazy)
due you have to ake one for lucky and me PLEASE dude ur are themost awesome after i saw this save!!!! can you make lucky something with a gun and can u make this user like soething involved in killing
sorrry about the message bein cut in two my computer glithched out for a second
a dark dragon wit horns that curve forward sorry for bein so ummmmm precise please and thank bty u and alin are my favorite tpt creators
could u please make me a logo im new to tpt, i think i would like a cool lookin dragon whit my user name incorperated in the logo under the dragon in gothic lettering and the dragon should be maybe likek
crazy gravy
k just pm me my logo thx
lol thanks man, and vou, your shits awsome so yours will be crazy :P