yes, i will, there new, better and, well new? lol thats about it, so please ask with a decription on what you want for a logo, don't just write your user name, cuz i satisfy. thanks, and credit is required at least on one save, thanks :P
can you make a logo for me with a crown And two flags (the logo cant be little) plz.
I want a Pegasus Made of BMTL Or Any Other Thing With that Color
a cool nuclear 1 for me!!1
( sry I want one with a crown with black Diamonds on it)
PLEASE make me one! they are cool
One with a whale
I would like my username underneath the heads of the 2 DaftPunk guys looking outwards, and if you can add some lights like the real helmets that would be very appreciated!
I need A logo
(make mine anyway you want)
can u make me a small one