yes, i will, there new, better and, well new? lol thats about it, so please ask with a decription on what you want for a logo, don't just write your user name, cuz i satisfy. thanks, and credit is required at least on one save, thanks :P
can i have a 44. magnum shooting at my name that is flashing? thanks!
can i have a logo tha sez Lasermaster2210 with flashing letters? (rainbow or red letters) THX!
Could you make me a shield with two scythes intercrosseng? thanks!
Could you make me a Link head? Saying Master of Link under it? With Navi or something :D I guess
can you make me one as well, im looking for something like the head of the lich king from world of warcraft. if you can make the eyes glow that would be quite epic
i want a logo with a brow dingo oeating a carcass on top of a sign saying Dingodude (carcass can be any color but must be smaller than dingo) thx :)
can you please put my name underneath a flaming skull head please? thanks :D doesn't matter what the name is made out of.
can you please make me a logo with joker from batman the movie and my name below it thanks
thank you very much :D
I'd like to placee an order, my name error101, in clouds with lightning, make the text look metalic, and awesome, obviosly :)