so can you explain, why whithout activating the bomb, the mercury is so expandable and how to make it to be so?
alecnotalex, bubba14, the Mercury here is used to melt metal or other meltable constructions. Deut here is mostly used as a cataliser to the mercury's expand reaction, not as main destructive power.
Delete the mercury, and it's a ton better!
merc doesnt do anything destructive
The principle was clear to me after removing the decorative layer :D, but just one question; HOW before activating the bomb, mercury and deuterium oxide, are so expandable if i make a hole in the bomb?! they have normal pressure, temp, i tried, deut expands because of 34463 life, but what about the merc? i think, wtf? also, great job!
i seen my fps hit 4 and im thinkin oh god.voted up and i was out.
now this is just sick!!! XD
all it did was pour a bunch of merc to the ground :/
great job on the bomb though... :)
wow......... that kinda sucks...... my bunker dint have much left but it survived... :O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!