127 / 33
25th Jun 2011
26th Apr 2013
This is the Serious Bomb from Serious Sam. This small bomb can take down almost any regular construction (and your FPS as well) in no time! It is also first bomb that uses mercury as main destructive force and utilizes Decoration layer!
brotherhood destorylogo bomb graphic mercury whynotdeut litting


  • SinjunTheIngine
    1st Jul 2011
  • Uncle_Alik
    1st Jul 2011
    Kevgood, it was made WITHOUT using console. Though I know at least three ways to use with console.
  • makeash
    1st Jul 2011
    okay sort of looks like the think from mario bros sort of
  • Kevgood12
    1st Jul 2011
    im pretty sure wha the did was set life merc 999999 or some other high number. Good job by the way, it is awesome.
  • 0NSCR33N696
    30th Jun 2011
    it didn't destroy my shield ;p
  • Uncle_Alik
    30th Jun 2011
    Sorry, robertas33, I have answered your question before, but it is too long for the PT to display. Use your browser)
  • Techdude
    30th Jun 2011
    4 fps great job
  • robertas33
    30th Jun 2011
    oops, i made a mistake, in the console type for example !set tmp merc 9999
  • robertas33
    30th Jun 2011
    no need, i just found a better way; just typing in the console !set tmp merc <a big amount> makes it expand to enormous sizes if not closed in a small tank, but it has normal temperature, pressure and no heating is needed :) but this bomb's idea is great, great job :D it killed my fps to 10 :D
  • Uncle_Alik
    30th Jun 2011
    robertas33, just make a really BIG (at least half of screen) tank of WALL with a small (3x3 or so) "cup" under it. Then, fill the WHOLE construction with mercury. Open console and type !set temp merc 0. You will see mercury decreasing its volume. When you will have at least 2x2 blocks (not pixel) of merc, copy it into equal size container of pressure-unaffectible material (f.e., metal). And then heat it to max temperatiure ( this is why I used deuterium) and remove the containers walls. That's it. Then - RUN!!!