This is the Serious Bomb from Serious Sam. This small bomb can take down almost any regular construction (and your FPS as well) in no time! It is also first bomb that uses mercury as main destructive force and utilizes Decoration layer!
Serious sam 3 is my favorite game. so +1!
Well, it's mostly because it's designed to clear less 'hard' elements )) But of course, mostly because I hadn't managed to make it BOTH powerful and safe in unarmed state that way))
The only problem is that it CANNOT go through SHLD. No pressure, or at least not enough. Other than that, it's amazing.
Very well made Alik, I would like to make you a member of my club The Detonation Crew do you accept?
shrO_Om96, no at the moment, sorry ((
hey, uncle are you still doing logo requests?
a mne ponravilos
FPS From 56 to 15
Of course it does, deltora2! For it is damn serious! XD
WOW i was just sitting there staring to think it wont blow when BANG!!!!!!!!!! it dropped FPS down to 6 and usaully i have very high FPS because i have a super fast netbook. i vote green