even if you stop the SPNG car from hitting the explosives one, the latter wiull still detonate due to...
THE EVIL CHICKEN! That's right, the chicken below the road is made of VENT, and will, after only about 7 or 8 seconds, generate enough pressure to detonate the C4. To save the car, you have to block both the SPNG and delete the chicken.
How do you make signs in your works
i just found out that something very strange happens: when the moving SPNG touches the THRM, it starts generating THRM in the places behind the SPNGthat is still moving!
Yeah i was having a look at mort before but i had to do other things. Oh and the sponge is hot so it can EXPLODE the C4 :D
i made smoke grenade out of mort. its awsome. also.. why is sponge to hot?
Hmm.. Ill take a llok at that thx :D
@ ChicN-Freak i suggest you make a sequal to this called airspace rage and i have a spng heli you could use