epic blue exploisin my farvoret color is blue
@duhman38, think about what you are going to say before saying it, Little Boy shot a uranium pellet show at a critical lump of URANIUM not plutonium and Fat Man used explosive Comp. B 60% RDX, 40% TNT and Barotol 70% Barium Nitrate, 30% TNT to compress a PLUTONIUM not uranium sphere
awesomeman32 you are thinking of little boy it had a uranium "bullet" that was fired at plutonium wile fat man used tnt to crush the uranium sphere making th exploisin oh and im in elementry school so eat on it
my The Great Missle, smaller, moving, and faster, are some type of the older bomb used that explodes after heated. but sorry, its still under developement.
@ JoshephMA but the fact that I understood and remembered it still counts for something.
you are all incorect to some degree. what actualy happens in a fission bomb like hiroshima is either a gun type, which fires one lump of enriched U235 into another, starting a nuclear chain reaction. There are also implosion types, which use tnt or other high explosives to crush a sphere of fissle material, like plutonum isotopes, starting a chain reaction. In fusion type bombs a isotope of a light element, like hydrogen isotopes deutrium (DEUT) or tritrium, not in tpt by exposing it to high heat and pressure causing the nucli to overcome the natural repultion pushing them apart and causing them to fuse together to produce helium. this may be done by using a fisson bomb to fuse the hydrogen. What is more effective than all of the above in real life is an antimatter bomb, which is one atom of antimater is combined with a atom of regular matter can cause an explosion large enough to be seen with the human eye, with to atoms of explosives. not so AWSOMEMAN, IM TWELVE SO THIS GEEK JUST MIDDLE-SCHOOLED YOU. YEAHHHHHHH!
If your in middle school and know this awesomeman32 then you probally searched on the internet DUH!
A nucleur bomb (Im assuming that we are talking about a fission bomb) is detonated by tnt or other explosive firing a radioactive element onto another radioactive element thus creating a chain reaction of nuetron and explodey stuff. IM in middleschool and i know this.