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Someones been busy
u are awesome plz make more :)
Hello.. I just want to say this without all the mean stuff.. THIS IS PRO! :D
"It's the creators choice whether to remove the offensive tags." Is what Simon said on IRC the day he also limited tag characters. People tagging things like "gay" are homophobic morons who probably graduated first grade at 35. People tagging things like specific body parts are idiot pervs who probably even pedophiles. Yet the world keeps spinning, just PM the creator nicely to remove the tags.
@chicn, i will ignore all the bad grammar, but saying ect? It's etc, as in etcetera it's not that tough to remember
u all are a bunch of pricks get over it!
ive i feel that is should use the word gay in a sentence as it was originally meant to be used seeing work like this on tpt makes me feel gay
@alexbill go shut up you ******!!!
Those last two are really not that bad :/
I really dont see what is so bad. Like you shouldnt call people retards or fuckwits ect but "Yo Nigger" or "Wats up Mr Gay?"