A Uranium fueled BWR type nuclear with a turbine/condensor hall with their own BOP systems. RPS logic, LPCS, and also other things like SLC. Thanks to Kaiser for helping with a lot of systems and thanks to Xero for helping with the CRDM :p
My current tasks as of 10/26/24 are to fix moisture issues in the High Pressure Turbine, (adding a electric heater) and prioritizing reactivity controlling.
Mark 1*
and protogesha, this is a Boiling Water Reactor 4 with a Mark 2 Containment.
I have heard of blue skies computer core, however i dont play it. and i am a inspector in RBWR and play EGS so i have basic understandings of nuclear energy, to answer your questions, you have to add fuel URAN/POLO and BOYL and some air to start it. As of now there is no way to control the reactor so i will have to work on finding a way to do so. Resic, i will look at the control rods pstn tutorial you suggested, Cheers! dornog70
he works here
my modif. save id id:3165386
I did that it didn't work
add uranium and use air until it works (there is room for it)
facusima-1 reactor?
it doesn't work