14 / 4
10th February
4th June
HEAT charge with the most Realistic impact and jet behavior in Powder toy (6/2/24). The design uses my variation of a HEAT charge that I have designated (Compressed-High-Explosive-Anti-Tank) or CHEAT charge.
heat explosive plasma


    4th June
    I'll name a few unrealistic things: 1. A Shaped Charge/Hollow Charge is **HOLLOW** 2. It uses quartz and thermite. 3. The casing remains after detonation. 4. it uses it's casing as a shaper for the jet, as it is not sufficient enough to do it itself.
  • Verycreativedude
    4th June
    VIPERGAMERZ: It's always unrealistic dude. It's in game. What do you expect?
    4th June
    This is unrealistic even, and you claim that it is, and I quote "Current most REALISTIC conventional HEAT charge in TPT"
  • Otatopman
    3rd June
    complete oversight on my part very sorry to whoever thought I was infringing on your own creations in terms of sheer destructive power.
  • Otatopman
    3rd June
    oh wait **** my bad y'all I was editing the description and I forgot to put conventional shaped charge in there. sorry blaz3r I'm sorry for the confusion, my intention was to claim that this is the most powerful and realistic conventional shaped charge, which means it does not use any exotic elements (besides vibraniun but that's just to focus the jet and it doesn't contribute to the penetration at all)
  • Otatopman
    3rd June
    blaz3r please link the id of your charge, I have a feeling that it's not a conventional one
  • Otatopman
    3rd June
    I'll just have to try even better
  • Otatopman
    3rd June
    :( the votes are making me sad
  • Otatopman
    3rd June
    blaz3r: I have absolutely no clue what you meant in your comment, if you could rephrase that to be coherent that would be amazing.
  • Otatopman
    3rd June
    keeps the jet focused