Big Jim
But "lignum" meaning tree is like the 3rd definition after wood and firewood. So shouldn't it be "arbor vitae"? Huh I just looked up "arbor vitae" and it's apperantly a town in Wisconsin
actually I take that back, it can be translated as "tree of life"
agarkantimes: it translates to "wood of life" not "tree of life" (my um actually moment for the day completed)
A species of tall kelp-like plant named megaflora lumens has emerged from the bottom of the crater lake.Its glowing seed pods allow it to be spread by the fish feeding on its leaves.
will add that plant
the already are
new plant: lignum vitae. Tree of life ( grows toffee-flavored fruits that heal organisms.)
+1 aliens (Native to jim, the "humans" of Jim.)
Jimus Racoonus begins digging tunnels supported by sticks for temporary shelter,and discover how to use fire for heat and making popcorn.
this takes place in the very, very far past and in a very, very far galaxy