45 / 3
24th Sep 2023
24th Sep 2023
This complicated device lets you simulate FNGS evolution over long periods of time. Put some FNGS in, spark the "start" button, then let this save run for a few hours overnight and see what you get! Feel free to share your results, but give credit.
fanelementsmod kidnamedfngs neatoburrito modded fungus evolution life


  • RebMiami
    28th Sep 2023
    @NoNwarrior If you have the script manager, open it, go to "online", select "filter" and then type in "fan elements". It should show up on the list. If not, type tpt.getscript(1, "autorun.lua", 1) in the console and proceed as noted.
  • NoNwarrior
    28th Sep 2023
    Im having trouble finding where the fan element mod is. Where is it?
  • quackster
    28th Sep 2023
    i was 26 hours in fngs evolution when windows antivirus nuked crackers1000 mod :(
  • RebMiami
    28th Sep 2023
    @kitsy Update the script from the script browser and it'll fix the error. @quackster Yeah, that's kinda true, but the point of evolution isn't to make the "best" species, only one that's slightly more fit than the last one.
  • quackster
    27th Sep 2023
    i guess the only way to find the best speices is to see how many of the capsules have its spores
  • quackster
    27th Sep 2023
    this is very cool but the best fungi doesnt stay so it doesnt get to the best fungi it just changes
  • kitsy
    27th Sep 2023
    why do i keep getting an error saying interval is empty filling up my whole screen all the time
  • RebMiami
    27th Sep 2023
    @Cheetah391 They can survive on GOO. I don't want to "spoil" them with moist SPNG because that would put them under less evolutionary pressure. @goglesq If you want to activate it manually, spark the PSCN next to the block of SWCH that powers the EWALL. I'd rather not add a button that does that for a few reasons.
  • Cheatah391
    27th Sep 2023
    Why use goo? why not use moist SPNG?
  • goglesq
    26th Sep 2023
    Also, you should add a button to this to manually save some spores