28 / 2
22nd Sep 2023
27th Sep 2023
The specifications were made by my friend and i'm trying to make a tank out of that
tonk tank panzer mercedes grunt


  • rogerio
    23rd Sep 2023
    -Engine done (hardest part). Still needs deco
  • rogerio
    23rd Sep 2023
    -Added plate thickness and angle
  • rogerio
    23rd Sep 2023
    @CHP, I'm not sure yet it could take a few days to a week
  • rogerio
    23rd Sep 2023
    @fromazx, the armor layout is there I may change some things but its mostly done
  • CHP
    23rd Sep 2023
    rogerio when will this tank be complete? or goliath tank
  • fromazx
    23rd Sep 2023
    Habe you already decided armour or not?
  • rogerio
    22nd Sep 2023
    Eh, seeing now my response is kinda agressive, I apologize. But most of your criticism is assuming the tank is only 2 d which is not. I'll take into account the hull being too short because it actually is but I'm unsure what I'll change to fix it.
  • rogerio
    22nd Sep 2023
    The sherman is 38 cm Taller and 18 cm shorther
  • rogerio
    22nd Sep 2023
    And I'll added a sherman lenght and height to show how big this is compared to it
  • rogerio
    22nd Sep 2023
    6 and rest - Yes, there is parts missing this is still being made, and remember tanks are 3d meaning it may look that there is no space left for components but in a 3d world there is. And engines have weight. The armor is not the only thing which will add weight to the tank.