I'll try to regularly answer tech questions here. Please only use the comment section for submitting questions.
May i ask about subframe piston engines? as i am having some problems (honestly it's just personal prefrence) where i can't make a 3 wide on without it being long
gloop3621: Always keep the order I which things happen (particle order) in mind. Think about the order in which your component calculates.
gloop3621: If i understood your question, it's very simple. Every frame you want a completely clear result space, thus you clear the result space *before* the ARAY shoots. So you always place the CRAY/DRAY before (above) the ARAY.
edit: i think i figured it out at least partially, you need the ARAY to start with FILT, and then delete any BRAY with cray or DRAY, still very finnicky tho
how do you reliably get 60hz ARAY? like for filt math where it needs to be cleared, i've tried using CRAY and such but it doesn't seem to work well, though i noticed you did it with DRAY in the save
Tunge: No problem! ;)
SUSaNOO: this is what i wanted, thanks
Tunge: If this is not the effect you wanted me to explain, then please elaborate on your question.
Tunge: The save has been updated with a demonstration of the previously described component. SPRK the leftmost PSCN and you will see that the signal is inverted so the BRAY stops firing.
SUSaNOO: can you give me a demo?