FNGS (Fungus) is a biological element. It creates mycelium that spreads through a substrate, then grows mushrooms that create spores that start the cycle over. It comes with 20 default species, but they can evolve over time!
what is PINK?
I want trees.
i put some in a city and it was like, AHHHHHHHHHH THE MUSHROOMS ARE TAKING OVER!!
no problem :)
Thank you!
this is an amazing element, its like PLNT 2, nice one, RebMiami!
@Terortemper Yep, the next update will bring a lot of lag fixes. I've already managed to make GRPH way less laggy and FNGS will be improved as well.
the mushrooms remind me very much of territect, Also this is really cool!
RebMiami: Pls make it less laggy if possible, thanks for the great mod
@Monke1 Use the command tpt.getscript(1, "autorun.lua", 1) in the console (~ key or C button at the top right) then click on the Lua button that appears on the right.