offiCIAL, soCIAl, assoCIAting, the ...ING bank of verbs in a finanCIAl commerCIAl
why ppl spam comments with descriptions of how he is strange? just leave him be (unless he tries doing self-harm)
4. I don't think he has a mental illness, I think he is either trolling the hardest ever or he is just a bit crazy. 5.he seems to be Belgian. 6.the dooperwt account is quite old, around 2012, he had uploaded some saves back then and was not acting as crazy, hi did also post on the forums. I think this guy was once a normal person, falling into the conspiracy rabbit hole, (possibly loosing his it job) and is now rambling about in TPT.
Some compiled information about this dude :1.he seems to believe in a lot of conspiracy theories, such as flat earth, the Chinese government controlling the internet and he is also anti-vax. 2.he seems to have a great interest in mathematics and computer science, I suspect he works in this field too. 3.he listens to a podcast of a crazy person, as well as getting inspired by another crazy person (great potential there)
Nitty Griddy
what does this even mean
seek a therapist
i think it'd just be better to get a mod involved so that we get a concrete, comprehensible, real answer, and if it were to happen that the guy immediately ceases existing, i guess most of us were right with the insane assumption
Mmm... these colours remind me of CGA.
brain.exe can stopped responding, would you like to close the application or wait ?
Jerehmia: Look at the comments of id:2914325