70 / 2
20th Feb 2023
17th Sep 2023
Remember the old Lua Element Request? I'M DOING IT AGAIN! If you didn't get a suggestion implemented last time, you may have another chance now. Suggestions will be accepted in the comments of this save, in the forum post, or in #tpt-mods on Discord.
no32 lncr ammo fuel element elements mods


  • explosivepowder
    22nd Feb 2023
    How do I grab the script manager?
  • phantomcrafter1
    22nd Feb 2023
    ivel236: what about helium gas?
  • ivel236
    21st Feb 2023
    inert gas like nitrogen to put fires out would be cool.
  • -EVA01-
    21st Feb 2023
    Galium (GALI): is a metal that melts at ruin temperature. Azure water (AWAT): its azure water, it explodes in contact with WARP
  • RebMiami
    21st Feb 2023
    @yoyo100 It doesn't matter. Cracker1000's FUEL and my FUEL are elements that function very differently and they're only similar in name. @BunkerStrikerUA This is very similar to AMMO/LNCR. Also, I should note that you guys don't have to specify specific life/tmp properties. Your job is to give me ideas and mine is to figure out the technical details.
  • yoyo100
    21st Feb 2023
    you know FUEL is already in cracker1000s mod
  • BunkerStrikerUA
    21st Feb 2023
    Missile MSSL solid, explodes on contact if the speed is bigger than 5, if activated by pscn gains velocity in opposite direction and corrects that velocity to hit nearest Missile Target MSTG particle, if the tmp of MSSL is 1 then it's going for the farthest MSTG particle and for random MSTG if the tmp is 2, if activated by nscn then it will have constant speed and will only turn the velocity, the tmp2 is range of detection the MSSL has, if the MSSL didn't find a MSTG then it won't launch
  • RebMiami
    21st Feb 2023
    FUEL is complete and version 9.0 is now available from the script browser! Additionally, STKM with AMMO will now shoot high speed AMMO at the cursor when you press the down key.
  • RebMiami
    21st Feb 2023
    @Yim_The_Muon I have seen and recorded your original Quark Gluon Plasma suggestion. Do Not Repeat the same suggestion.
  • Yim_The_Muon
    21st Feb 2023
    QGPM - Quark Gluon Plasma, extremely hot exotic liquid that has 0 viscosity, climbs over walls. QGPM turns into HYGN if cooled below 6000 celsius. QGPM turns into PROT and NEUT if cooled down under a vacuum. QGPM can be created when PLSM is exposed to PROT or NEUT. QGPM generates heat under a vacuum, also turns PHOT into ISOZ. If QGPM is exposed to anything conductive, it will cool down and generate sparks.