Remember the old Lua Element Request? I'M DOING IT AGAIN! If you didn't get a suggestion implemented last time, you may have another chance now. Suggestions will be accepted in the comments of this save, in the forum post, or in #tpt-mods on Discord.
@RebMiami, I hope you add STGM (Strange Matter). I think it'd be a good idea, and we could discuss some secret features.
PRNT: Plastic, melts easily at rougly 40c. When it cools down, it turns from white to black. Basically printer ink but improved.
Orbit (ORBT) an element that causes powders to flow in a circle around it (like planets orbiting the sun)
Also, while I'd rather not influence your guys' suggestions too much, I'll say that I want to implement a radioactive element eventually and I'd like to see more of your ideas (like STGM, RADN or QGPM) whether they're real or not.
@HbMinceraft That's a pretty good Plastic idea.
plastic! made from OIL and CAUS (to simulate fluoro-/chloroplastics), it has a very low heat conductivity, melts into a viscous GEL-like substance at high temperatures and combusts at slightly higher temps. would be a cool alternativel to INSL without fully cheesing heat damage entirely, while still being useful when layered with metal sheets
Holy crap this mod pretty mad, loving forcefield and ammo.
By the way , coppers oxide (this patina thing) colours the fire greenish colour (i tried) , dont forget to add this if possible
Anyways, I've chosen the next element: Copper suggested by BlueLobsterTPT and Inventor70!
@Dragon_King I don't think I'm going to add another fuel element. @TerraBloom If you like Radon too, maybe try suggesting your own too? More ideas is better. @z4dg That's a lot of suggestions, but I've written them all down. @BunkerStrikerUA Magnesium is cool. @Ilprofs Sadly, that's not possible in Lua. @Inventor70 Graphene could be fun, but it would need unique features to distinguish from GRPH.