70 / 2
20th Feb 2023
17th Sep 2023
Remember the old Lua Element Request? I'M DOING IT AGAIN! If you didn't get a suggestion implemented last time, you may have another chance now. Suggestions will be accepted in the comments of this save, in the forum post, or in #tpt-mods on Discord.
no32 lncr ammo fuel element elements mods


  • Threethethird
    23rd Feb 2023
    steel, made by mixing molten iron and some form of carbon (coal?), it would be able to "trap" pressure (similar to titanium) it would have a high melting point and pressure tolerance, under high pressure it would deform, only breaking when it gets stretched too thin, it would rust but very slowly and only on the surface which is solid into "rusted steel" which is like iron with a higher melting point, it could deform slightly before breaking and turning into a form of broken metal.
    23rd Feb 2023
    silver - i mean, if we have copper, gold, and platinum, it's only sensible. anyway, silver is well known for catalyzing reactions such as formaldehyde, and it is the most reflective and most heat/electricity conductive metal (limited in use IRL because of cost). it is also antimicrobial, like copper. i think it would be cool if you could make perfect mirrors and one-way mirrors (by putting a layer of GLAS next to SLVR) which don't heat up when struck.
  • RebMiami
    23rd Feb 2023
    @RamenNoodlesGuy Would be cool, but probably not possible in Lua. Dpes a thin layer of FILT on a reflective surface work?
  • RebMiami
    23rd Feb 2023
    @R33sesK1ng I like STGM, but I'll make a few changes to it if I implement it because the infection/absorption idea is covered by elements like VIRS, SING, SMDB. I'd rather not add another "destroys a save you put it in" element. @stepan243 The game already has URAN and realism is not my goal. @Inventor70 If enough people have good ideas for Plastic, I might give credit to several people (including you) again.
  • RamenNoods
    23rd Feb 2023
    Photon changer-esque element? When a photon reflects onto it, changes photon color by the reflector tmp. Seems cool idk
  • Threethethird
    23rd Feb 2023
  • Inventor70
    23rd Feb 2023
    @nitroo he already added force field.
  • sealon_musk
    23rd Feb 2023
    r u gonna make stickmen tmp 2 or tmp 1 or tmp 3 their item ctype so you can use ammo better?
  • nitroo
    23rd Feb 2023
    oops it was already created
  • nitroo
    23rd Feb 2023
    The block the FRCF makes when turned on is FRCB - Forcefield block.