Remember the old Lua Element Request? I'M DOING IT AGAIN! If you didn't get a suggestion implemented last time, you may have another chance now. Suggestions will be accepted in the comments of this save, in the forum post, or in #tpt-mods on Discord.
high temp neutron moderator, or beryllium, Toxic to stickmen, has a high melting point, and slows neutrons like watr
Fissile uranium? FURN? An element that when hit by a slow neutron, some percent of the time, gives off heat and 2 neutrons, NOT DEPENDANT on pressure.
ROT. When powered, rotates all neighbouring elements in a radius (set by .tmp) at a constant speed. (snapping will be quite non-trivial to figure out)
YOBB, Yotta omega bomb : it destroys every single element that exist in TPT, even the reality can ve destroyed
MISL Tmp = length coordinates and Tmp2=heigth coordinates activated by sprk fire or fireworks
SEEK - locates all particles with its ctype and explodes them
@TimeSan HALO is fluorine. @RamenNoodlesGuy To follow the green line, you need a charged wire pointing at the sensitized state. See the table of the states in the NO32 demo save if that helps. @R33sesK1ng That's fair. My comparison is mostly to SING, which does that without the temperature constraint. If I do implement STGM, it just won't act too similar to SING or VIRS.
KILL - Kills any organic matter that it comes into contact with
please add flourine, it reacts with elements violently and works like CAUS if it is over -260 degrees celcius.
Do you know how I can get a Sensitized S00 to become a left-facing wire, or other changed to NO32 that follow the green lines in menu? Do they require a catalyst or something?