Remember the old Lua Element Request? I'M DOING IT AGAIN! If you didn't get a suggestion implemented last time, you may have another chance now. Suggestions will be accepted in the comments of this save, in the forum post, or in #tpt-mods on Discord.
Normal nitrogen properties in irl
@micque Good idea. I'll make FUEL not stick to things like pipes or portals in the next update. @TBAVPfrags What properties do you think nitrogen should have in TPT?
sorry, or an option to change how sticky the FUEL is, (like one of those windows you made on the RSET element (like the shift-click one) or like changing the TMP's to change certain settings)
NTRG: Nitrogen. Is what it says
an element that allows fuel to flow better, will probably be useful to use in saves if you need it for an engine, or when you use portals it wouldn't keep sticking on the portals
NUKE: a more powerful version of bomb that creates radioactivity but cant destroy virtually everything
@TeslaThePlasmaUser , easily made with ctrl+f
SEEK- locates all particles with its ctype and displays how many it found on a sign
I may select the final 3 elements all at once. There's a small side project I'd like to finish first before I finish Fan Elements, so expect to start seeing updates again in about a week.
STGM is now released!