12th Nov 2022
15th Nov 2022
The state change between WATR and WTRV creates enough pressure to cause the URAN to heat, which boils more WATR and creates more pressure.
if you replace clne with bcln, this happens - the bcln breaks then the evaporation stops flowing thru the exit. then the temp keeps going up
Replacing it with BCLN makes it self destruct...
can the nerds who say "replace clne with bcln" test what happens if you do it?
Replace CLNE with BCLN please
not 8320 destructible that is the overall number sorry destructible #2 is 8144 sorry
Cool engine though, +1
about 98.2% destructible, 176 indestructible 9522 desctructible (including ext. cord.) About 97.9% w/o external cord, 176 indestructible 8320 desctructible
the clne breaks under the pressure, try using high life spng
Oh, clne. Just turn it to bcln and it'll be 100% destructible.
What's the other 1%?