59 / 5
8th Nov 2022
14th Nov 2022
Animation about Recognition of Kosovo from 2008-2022. (Note: You'll need 30+ fps to make the Animation go fast a bit).
coolanimation europe history kosovo recognition animation timeline countries


  • Canada_Ball
    15th Nov 2022
    Ronny_nerdy, me to
  • RamenNoods
    14th Nov 2022
    honestly i dont even know what kosovo is lol +1
  • Techno_Dragon
    14th Nov 2022
    also, ronny_nerdy just gave another reason you shouldn't just give out your age and location
  • Techno_Dragon
    14th Nov 2022
    Canada_Ball, I'm sorry i didn't read the entire bee movie script in your biography lol.
  • ronny_nerdy
    14th Nov 2022
    canada_ball: unfortunately thats how it is, if you dont obey the world police you get bombed. complaining about it in a tpt save where most of the people i assume are under 13 wont do anything. so, im just gonna stop replying.
  • levi42
    13th Nov 2022
    ukraine flag in the bottem left corner
  • Techno_Dragon
    13th Nov 2022
    (i couldn't have the patience)
  • Techno_Dragon
    13th Nov 2022
    Anyways, let's talk about the save, this is really cool. Seems really hard to get the clock and goo to go at the exact same time.
  • Techno_Dragon
    13th Nov 2022
    Also, 80 years ago was not that long ago when you think about it. Putin could cause a WW3 and it could happen again with russians or way more citizens.
  • Techno_Dragon
    13th Nov 2022
    Canada_Ball, i used that example as to show how corrupt war is today, because most people find Canada to be a good place to live.