Thirdly, Resetter [REST]. Once any element gets in contact with it, it resets ALL and I mean ALL modified parts. (Example, if CLNE receives an item to clone, it resets and doesn't produce anything). Also if it is next to an EMP and the EMP is activated, the effect is spread throughout the map and it explodes like the SFRZ explosion.
I have one on the forums. Please look at it. It would make me very happy to have it in a mod. :
Also, Super FRZZ and its water form Dust[SFRZ] Water[SFRW]. Acts like FRZZ but cools faster, but is unstable [Acts like LOXY, but once ignited, turns into molten thermite at plasma temperature and explodes similarly to how BOMB explodes] If it gets too hot it acts like VIBR and charges and explodes like when it is ignited. .
Magnets North [MAGN] South [MAGS] Acts like GPMP but only for electronics and metals even attracts soild metal similarly to goo moving. MAGN attracts MAGS and the same magnet repels one another. Once a magnet touches another same magnet it combines and does repel one another and attracts or repels more.
Temprature pump/moderator [TMOD]. This acts like a black hole for temprature drawing in high heat and expelling cold heat. meant to keep things at a similar temprature which could be usefull for certan builds like closed loops or wider ares.
next stainless steel same as steel but doesent rust it can be made with the next element i am suggesting, chromium(looks alot like platnuim with the same sparkel when on fire display). it is made by melting the two metals together. perhaps it can only be 2 with steel and stainless taking up a space as stainless is a form of steel. it whould be realy nice to have these in game.(was too long too post)
steel, is stronger than iron but weaker than titanium, i dont really know why this isnt in the main game yet it whould be cool, it can be made by melting iron with coal.
I have two suggestions. Liquid hydrogen. Or methane + liquid methane
CMNT (Cement: made by mixing WATR and CNCT, hardens after some time and turns into BRCK)
Core (CORE), Fictional solid that when destroyed by pressure well detonate violently. (about as powerful as vibr) It also releases a red bizr that acts like normal bizr.