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yo this is added in realistic physics mod
I'm repeating what I've said I. case if it wasn't read gamma, gama plut, uran and polo make this along with neut it acts like neut but with the exception of being able to pass through objects like prot and ionise sertain elements e.g trit
perhaps azur (azure bomb snow) for easy azure bombs for people who aren't rocket scientists
propellant (prpl) if it catches fire it creates 10-20 pressure and through the direction of the stream moves its container like pstn
RC (Rocket Candy) Description: Rocket candy made by combining potassium nitrate and sugar. Can be a decent rocket fuel. (when ignited it will create 20 pressure and begin slowly burning and shooting fire everywhere)
. afin
anti fire insulator
solar cells
BZMT: bizmuth, a metal that when melted down and cooled back to solid will appear rainbowy and can be crushed into a sparkly powder(sorry if that is to mutch)
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