Thorium (THOR): behaves like uranium but if constantly combarded with neutrons and with uranium nearby, behaves like plutonium but at a slower rate of fission
Amogus9000sus it would be a more realistic explosive
and i forgot to add that its less of a fire explosion and more of a presure/smoke explosion, and its name would be PLEX/plastic explosive
Amogus9000sus its like c4 but when liquid it can stick to things
there is c4 already plastic explosive is c4
plastic exploive: solid at room temp, acts like gel at temp 40 or over explodes like a mix of c-4 and tnt, explodes with electricity. water proof, colour: yellow/cream. does not stick to: glass, living things (wood, plnt, vine) or any object that acid cant burn.
I have one. Graphite-GRPH. Transparent to energy particals. Slows down energy particals that pass though it more effectively than ice or snow. burns slightly hotter than most fuels at a slightly slower pace than COAL. melts at 3400.C into lava. Non conductive. Good for reactors. When under extreme pressures >80 then after a delay turns into BCOL If over 500.c then it catchs fire the moment it changes.
Radioactive wastes (wast) gas, creates when plutonium fiss, emits electrons, heats up and harms stickman.