100 / 4
14th Jun 2022
11th Aug 2022
SUGGESTIONS ARE CLOSED. See id:2913879 for the new homepage.
element request particle ffld melt halo smdb


  • RebMiami
    21st Jun 2022
    @1701 Yep, I have. Bleach and Helium are the two that I like the most.
  • 1701
    21st Jun 2022
    ive ran out of suggestions aswell. idk if he read them or not but either way idc
  • RebMiami
    21st Jun 2022
    GRPH has been released! Now that this safe has fallen off FP, it'll be a lot easier for me to work through all of the suggestions this save has accumulated. The mod will probably be finished and released in about a week.
  • Teneiger10
    21st Jun 2022
    At this point, i almost have no suggestions
  • sajm00n12
    21st Jun 2022
    view* .
  • sajm00n12
    21st Jun 2022
    Add radiaction viev and aimbient radiation,radiation can break wood,goo,bmtl and another breakables. Can kill stickmans.
  • DestISOp
    21st Jun 2022
    How about an element that is a strong as possble while still reacting to dest,bomb,sing etc
  • RebMiami
    21st Jun 2022
    GRPH is almost done! Expect the next update tomorrow. @PotassiumPlaneteer I don't think LHYG is a bad suggestion, but the main point of this save is for me to test my modding abilities. LHYG would be nice but is just a bit too simple for that. @ImNotHuman Yeah, could probably be interesting. @silo88 I like that as well.
  • proplayer
    21st Jun 2022
    MONE: Money. you can buy mods with it
  • silo88
    21st Jun 2022
    TUBN: Turbine. If a particle with a velocity passes a range within 5x5 of it, and not an energy particle, it will reduce the velocity of it, and output a SPRK. Depending on temp it would change how strong it is, EX: it would give 5 sparks and slow WATR down alot or just 1 spark and not slow WATR down that much. And it TMP would be a filter, so it will ignore everything except for its TMP value for the ID of the particle. If 0 it would allow all.