and also
i really want to make my own modpack
But ill like to put the SDEU and the NPEG because i really like explosion, at least NPEG
HEIL (helium), acts like ANAR but gas, also lifts OXYG upwards. Another idea is NEON, nearly invisible until electrical current is passed through
@-EVA01- To me it seems like you have more ideas than you know what to do with. You might want to learn Lua yourself since there's no way I can do everything you've suggested.
What about SUAB Super Absorber. It can store water like sponge but its a powder and it can store more liquid. If you add high pressure the power will realese all its water rapidly. If its temp goes under 0 i t will be a more compact and stronger ice. If enough water is stored it will be conductive.
PRAY: Pushing Ray: an element that pushes elements with BRAY, acts like drills TMP2 - 10 = ten steps, TMP - 1,2,3,4 = 1, up. 2, down. 3, left. 4, right. all elements that are around this element will stick to it as if it were FRME